const { padStart } = require('lodash') const { escapeString, getUTCDate } = require('./utils') const dayjs = require('dayjs') const utc = require('dayjs/plugin/utc') dayjs.extend(utc) module.exports.generate = generate function generate({ channels, programs, date = getUTCDate() }) { let output = `\r\n` for (let channel of channels) { const id = escapeString(channel['xmltv_id']) const displayName = escapeString( output += `${displayName}` if (channel.logo) { const logo = escapeString(channel.logo) output += `` } if ( { const url = ? 'https://' + : null output += `${url}` } output += `\r\n` } for (let program of programs) { if (!program) continue const channel = escapeString( const title = escapeString(program.title) const description = escapeString(program.description) const categories = Array.isArray(program.category) ? program.category : [program.category] const start = program.start ? dayjs.unix(program.start).utc().format('YYYYMMDDHHmmss ZZ') : '' const stop = program.stop ? dayjs.unix(program.stop).utc().format('YYYYMMDDHHmmss ZZ') : '' const lang = program.lang || 'en' const xmltv_ns = createXMLTVNS(program.season, program.episode) const onscreen = createOnScreen(program.season, program.episode) const date = || '' const credits = createCredits({ director: program.director, actor:, writer: program.writer, adapter: program.adapter, producer: program.producer, composer: program.composer, editor: program.editor, presenter: program.presenter, commentator: program.commentator, guest: program.guest }) const icon = escapeString(program.icon) const sub_title = escapeString(program.sub_title) const url = program.url ? createURL(program.url, channel) : '' if (start && stop && title) { output += `${title}` if (sub_title) { output += `${sub_title}` } if (description) { output += `${description}` } if (categories.length) { categories.forEach(category => { if (category) { output += `${escapeString(category)}` } }) } if (url) { output += url } if (xmltv_ns) { output += `${xmltv_ns}` } if (onscreen) { output += `${onscreen}` } if (date) { output += `${date}` } if (icon) { output += `` } if (credits) { output += `${credits}` } output += '\r\n' } } output += '' return output } function createXMLTVNS(s, e) { if (!e) return null s = s || 1 return `${s - 1}.${e - 1}.0/1` } function createOnScreen(s, e) { if (!e) return null s = s || 1 s = padStart(s, 2, '0') e = padStart(e, 2, '0') return `S${s}E${e}` } function createURL(urlObj, channel = '') { const urls = Array.isArray(urlObj) ? urlObj : [urlObj] let output = '' for (let url of urls) { if (typeof url === 'string' || url instanceof String) { url = { value: url } } let attr = url.system ? ` system="${url.system}"` : '' if (url.value.includes('http')) { output += `${url.value}` } else if (channel) { let chan = channels.find(c => c.xmltv_id.localeCompare(channel) === 0) if (chan && { output += `https://${}${url.value}` } } } return output } function createImage(imgObj, channel = '') { const imgs = Array.isArray(imgObj) ? imgObj : [imgObj] let output = '' for (let img of imgs) { if (typeof img === 'string' || img instanceof String) { img = { value: img } } const imageTypes = ['poster', 'backdrop', 'still', 'person', 'character'] const imageSizes = ['1', '2', '3'] const imageOrients = ['P', 'L'] let attr = '' if (img.type && imageTypes.some(el => img.type.includes(el))) { attr += ` type="${img.type}"` } if (img.size && imageSizes.some(el => img.size.includes(el))) { attr += ` size="${img.size}"` } if (img.orient && imageOrients.some(el => img.orient.includes(el))) { attr += ` orient="${img.orient}"` } if (img.system) { attr += ` system="${img.system}"` } if (img.value.includes('http')) { output += `${img.value}` } else if (channel) { let chan = channels.find(c => c.xmltv_id.localeCompare(channel) === 0) if (chan && { output += `https://${}${img.value}` } } } return output } function createCredits(obj) { let cast = Object.entries(obj) .filter(x => x[1]) .map(([name, value]) => ({ name, value })) let output = '' for (let type of cast) { const r = Array.isArray(type.value) ? type.value : [type.value] for (let person of r) { if (typeof person === 'string' || person instanceof String) { person = { value: person } } let attr = '' if ('actor') === 0 && type.value.role) { attr += ` role="${type.value.role}"` } if ('actor') === 0 && type.value.guest) { attr += ` guest="${type.value.guest}"` } output += `<${}${attr}>${person.value}` if (person.url) { output += createURL(person.url) } if (person.image) { output += createImage(person.image) } output += `` } } return output }